Friday, 14 November 2014

System Options - Oracle Property Management

Property Manager System Options

Define system options to customize the Oracle Property Manager environment for each operating unit

 System options determine ledger and currency conversion type

System options also control how Oracle Property Manager displays location aliases, sends information to Oracle Payables, and Oracle Receivables, and governs creation of leases and space assignments.

Accounting Option

The Accounting Option system option indicates how your users must specify General Ledger accounts on the Details tabbed region of the Lease window or the Accounts Distribution tab of the Term Details window

Allow Tenancy Overlap Within Lease

can set the Allow Tenancy Overlap Within Lease system option to Yes if you want to allow users to assign a location to two tenants on the same lease .

Automatic Number Generation

Oracle Property Manager Canassign unique values for any of the following automatically if Set Yes:

Company Number
Recovery Agreement Number
Recovery Area Class Number
Recovery Expense
Rent Increase Number
Lease Number
Variable Rent Number

Automatic Space Distribution

Oracle Property Manager Can automatically distribute space equally to all the occupants of a particular location .

If you set this system option to No, users will have to enter a space allocation percentage manually each time they assign space.

Calculate Annualized Basis for Index Rent

Terms Active on the Basis Period End Date: The system calculates the annualized basis using only those terms that exist at the end of the basis period.

Terms Active in the Basis Period: The system calculates the annualized basis using the terms that were active during the basis period.

Consolidated Recovery Terms

Oracle Property Manager to create one consolidated recovery term with a single total .

If you set the system option to No, a term detail line is created for each recovery line type and purpose

Currency Conversion Type

 If you do not specify a rate type, Oracle Property Manager uses the rate type that is associated with the functional currency for your ledger and enabled in the Reporting Currencies window.

Default Landlord/Tenant View

Yes: The lease area values are set to the associated location’s rentable, usable, and assignable area by default.

No: The lease area values are blank.

Regardless of how you set the Default Location Area for Leases system option, users can overwrite the lease area values.

Include Terms as Rent Increase Basis by Default

Yes: This is the default value  Oracle Property Manager automatically includes qualifying terms in the basis of all rent increase agreements associated with a lease.

No:manually include terms from those displayed in the Basis Terms window.

Invoice Grouping Name
specify the default invoice grouping rule to be used with payment transactions.

There are several levels at which Wecan specify the name of the grouping rule.
The system option level is the highest level

The rules and options are considered in the following order
1.Payment item grouping rule
2.Payment term grouping rule
3.Lease grouping rule
4.System option grouping rule


 select the ledger that you want to use with the operating unit in Oracle Property Manager .
The ledger determines the currency, accounting calendar, and chart of accounts .

Legacy Cutoff Date

You can use the Legacy Cutoff Date system option to specify a cutoff date for specific rent increase periods.

Location Code Separator

Define a separator for location code aliases .The value entered in the Location Code Separator field becomes the separator between all location code aliases entered.

Multiple Tenancy Lease

Allowsusers to associate multiple leases to the same location for the same or overlapping tenancy periods.

Recalculate Index Rent on Account Change

Yes:Oracle Property Manager automatically recalculates the index rent amounts for the associated rent increase terms.

No:Rent increase term recalculation is disabled .

Smallest Term Amount
The Smallest Term Amount system option determines the smallest amount for which Oracle Property Manager creates rent increase terms

Use SYSDATE to Record each Space Assignment

Allow users to change space assignments only as of the system date . Set to NO incase the Space Assignment to be Done In Other Than Sysdate.


Property Manager → Setup → Options → System Options

Click On Create System Options

System Options Set For an OU as Below

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