Monday 16 January 2017

Form Personalization in Oracle Apps

Oracle has provided a simple and easy feature to implement the customer specific requirements without modifying the underlying forms code or CUSTOM library. Although CUSTOM library still can be used for forms customization to implement the complex business logic, the personalization feature provided in the latest release is easy, faster and requires minimum development effort.
If user needs to personalize any details in a form like changing field names, adding some validations, etc, then Form Personalization can provide the way out in few simple steps.
The Components in Form Personalization Form.
This is the section where User need to create the rules how Their requirement is going to be executed.
Seq : Need to give the Sequence how the rule will execute (a number)
Description: Write a sort description of the rule which you are going to create
Level: Select the level where you want the rule to execute
Enabled: This is the flag which will enable or disable the rule.

This is the section where User will define when the rule will be executed.
Trigger Event: This specifies where the rule will be executed. There are mainly 5 types of event which decided the trigger of the rule.
Trigger Object:  This is the Object in the form which decides at what level the rule will be executed.
The values can be “<Form Name>”, ‘<Block Name>” or “<Item Name>”
Condition: Here mention any SQL statement to control the execution of the rule when the mentioned criterion is met.
Processing Mode: This is the mode where you want the rules to be executed.
 Context manages to whom the personalization should apply. This is similar to the concept of using profile options in Oracle Applications. 
The various levels are Site, Responsibility, Industry and User. During runtime, the values provided in the context are evaluated and personalization rules will be applied. 
Usage of context is very vital in implementing the personalization to prevent the inappropriate users accessing these customization of the form.
This decides what will happen when the rule will execute. 
Seq: Mention the Action sequence which this rule will execute
Type: This is of 4 types, Property, Message, Builtin, Menu.
This decides which type of action, the rule will perform.
According to this the right section will come and need to fill the detailed actions.
Description: Write a description on the action which this will perform.
Language: Select the language
Enabled: You can enable or disable the actions here.
 Action Types
The action type “Property” is used to set the properties of the objects. The various objects include
“Item, Window, and Block etc.”.  Actual object name defined in the form should be entered after selecting the object type.
Property Name is the property to be changed
Value is the new desired value for the property.
The current value of the property will be displayed when clicked on the “Get Value” button.
The action type “Message” is used to display custom messages during runtime. Message Type and Description should be entered after selecting the action type as “Message”. The available message types are “Error, Warning, Hint, Question and Debug”. Depending on the response expected from the user, the appropriate message type should be selected.
The action type “Builtin” is used to execute the form and AOL API’s. Depending on the API type selected, the parameters should be entered.


The action type “Menu” is used to activate the available special menus on the Tools menu.
Oracle Applications provide 45 special menus under Tools menu which can be used by customers based on their requirements.
Select the SPECIAL menu which is not used by the form. Menu label is the prompt which appears to the users when Tools menu is invoked, block specifies the blocks for which the special menu should be activated and Icon name is the .ico file name.
A separator can be created above the activated special menu by selecting the “Render line before menu” checkbox.

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