Monday 23 January 2017

Oracle Forms Personalization WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE Trigger

WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE trigger is fired when the focus of an activity is moved to a block.

What is Block.

 All the Forms in Oracle apps is Consolidated  as Blocks With Fields.Example Most Forms in apps Contains Header and Line Section.

How to identify the block name to be entered as Trigger Object?

Click on Help -> Diagnostics -> Examine menu item to identify the Block name

Now Let us Personalize a Popup  Message When Accessing a Block of Form.

Form Taken Define Organization

In the Define Organization Form, if one User Going to Enter/Update Location a Popup Messgae to be Shown

Check the Block Name

In this Case the Block Name is HOU1

Go to form Personalization 

Enter Sequence, Description and Select the Trigger as WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE.


In the Context Chose Appropriate Level and Value.

In the Actions Tab,Enter Sequence and Select Type as Message.

Select Message Type and Enter the Required Message in "Message Text"


Save the Changes. Log out and Login to the Instance.

Now While Accessing the Locations Block in Organization Form Will Popup a Message.



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