Thursday 29 September 2016

Contract Purchase Agreement in R12

Contract purchase agreement is a long term agreement that a Customer  will have with their supplier with specific terms and conditions and without indicating the goods and service to be procured.

CPA Will Contain Only Supplier Information and Terms and Conditions for Procurment.

If a Material or Service has to be Procured From Particular Supplier, Then a Standard Purchase Order will made with reference to Contract Purchase order and Receipt is Made.

Navigation :Purchasing, Vision Operations (USA) --->Purchase orders ---> purchase Orders  (OR)  Purchasing Vision Operations (USA) ---> Buyer Work Center ---> Agreements

Enter Header Details of Contract Purchase Agreement Such as Supplier, Supplier Site, Bill to, Ship to .


Click on terms for Entering Contract Terms such as Payment, Freight, Carrier, FOB Supplier and Receiver Notes.

Make Note that Amount Agreed has been Defaulted to Amount Limit.

purchasing Uses the Amount Agreed for Approval Management and Amount Limit for Releasing Orders.

We Can add Contract Terms by Clicking Author Contract Terms and Using a Contract Template to Add Clauses.

Then Save the Contract Purchase Agreement and Submit For Approval.

once the Contract Agreement is Approved, Standard Purchase Orders are Created with reference Document Details Containing the Contract Agreement Details. 


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