Friday 2 December 2016

How to Setup Oracle Yard Management System

 Following is the summary of steps to be performed to setup oracle yard management system

1.Define the yard.

A yard is an external area typically adjacent to a warehouse where trucks and containers with material wait to be loaded or unloaded for shipment.

 A yard can be associated to one or more inventory organizations within the same operating unit since a yard may be common to multiple warehouses. 

A yard can be further configured by dividing it into logical areas that represent activities such as inbound, outbound, or parking operations.

Navigation : Yard Manager --->Setup--->Yard Setup--->Define Yard.

Click on the Create Button on Configuration Screen.

 All Fields Should be Entered .

Organization -- Short code that uniquely identifies the yard.
Name   -- Name that easily identifies the yard.
Service organization -- Name of the service organization associated with the yard.
Location --  Location code that corresponds to the physical location of the yard. 
Material Account --A material account that tracks material cost. 
Dock Area --Yard areas are stored internally as subinventories. The dock area corresponds to the default subinventory to which all dock doors in the yard organization are associated. 
Cost Enabled -- To Track Costs in a Yard organization. (only Average Costing is Supported)
Start/End Times ---Yard operating hours.

An inventory organization can have only one yard organization attached to it and the yard organization should have the same operating unit/legal entity/Ledger.

 After the Yard is Created, it has to be configured into multiple fucntional areas like dock doors, parking spaces.

Configuring the Yard:
Configuring a yard involves dividing it into logical areas that represent activities such as inbound, outbound, or parking operations. A yard area can be further divided it into one or more locations called Parking spots.

A parking spot determines the exact location of a trailer within the yard

Parking spots can accommodate one or more trailers based on the trailer's capacity. The yard area and parking spots can track the yard entities such as the trailers or power units.

parking Spots Include Storage Locators and Dock Doors.

A yard area is modelled as a subinventory and parking spots as locators in Oracle Inventory.

Navigation:Yard Manager --->Setup--->Yard Setup--->Configure Yard.

Select the Yard to be Configured from List of Values on Left Top Corner of the Screen.

Click on Create Button 

Area Name --Short name for the yard area. The name could identify the function within the area such as Inbound, Fueling, Cleaning, Dock, or Outbound.

Area Parking Order --Parking order priority for the area. A yard area with an order of 1 takes priority over a yard area with parking order 2.

Spot Name --Meaningful name that identifies the physical location in the yard. In case an Organization intends to use locator alias as spot name instead of row/rack/bin/project structure, it must be unique within a yard organization.

Spot Parking Order ---Parking order priority for the spot. 

Click on Apply to Save the Configuration.

Synchronize Dock Doors 

Dock doors are used for loading and unloading trailers. To optimize dock-door usage,  establish an alias in the yard for the corresponding dock doors in the serviced facilities. 

Navigation: Yard Manager --->Setup--->Yard Setup--->Synchronize Dock Doors.

Service Organization --Service organization for the dock. 

Service Dock ---Dock belonging to the service organization to be synchronized with the yard. 

Default Staging Area -- Yes or No depending on whether the selected dock to serve as the default staging area 

 A default staging area is a subinventory that is created in the service organization, not in the yard. It is applicable only to Oracle Warehouse Management-enabled service organizations. 

The purpose of this subinventory is to store staged LPNs that have been loaded into a trailer. 

The LPNs are moved from the staging lane inside the warehouse into this subinventory, when the loaded trailer is moved from the dock door into a parking spot using a yard move order.

Yard Dock---The name selected in the service dock field automatically defaults in this field but can be changed if desired. 

Yard Dock Alias--- A user-friendly name that enables users to readily identify the dock. 

Click Apply to save the Dock Door Synchronize Setup.

Creating Equipment Types

Create the various types of equipment such as trailers and powering units that check into and out of your yard so that Oracle Yard Management can capture their movement and operations. 

After creating the equipment type, select a seeded category that corresponds to the type of equipment created.

Navigation: Yard Manager --->Setup--->Yard Setup--->Equipment Types.


Creating Drivers and Yard Personnel

Add employees or persons such as drivers, jockeys, and other yard personnel who need to access or work in the yard. Typical users who may need yard access include:
  • Drivers who drive the power unit with or without the trailer.

    Hostlers/Switchers who perform the move transactions on the power units.

    Yard jockeys (usually contract laborers) who move the trailer around the yard using a powering unit. Data communicated to jockeys should be on terminal mounted devices.

    Drivers and other entities created in Oracle Yard Management are not mapped to employees defined in the Oracle Human Resources Management System  

    People who access the yard may not be employees (for example, carriers and their drivers who check material into the yard); however, adding information about people entering  yard provides better tracking, security, and record management options for your organization. 

    Navigation: Yard Manager --->Setup--->Yard Setup--->Drivers



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