Tuesday 27 December 2016

Profile Option in Oracle Apps

Profile Option values control the behavior of Oracle Apps, in other words they determine how Oracle Apps should run. The value for a profile option can be changed any time.

The profile option acts like a Global Variable in Oracle. It is needed to provide the flexibility to Oracle Applications.

Profile Options can be set at different levels. Site level being the highest and User being the lowest in the heirarchy. If a profile option is assigned at two levels, then value assigned at lowest level takes the precedence.
  • Site (restricted to the whole of Apps)
  • Application ( restricted only to a particular application like Payables, Receivables)
  • Responsibility (restricted only to a particular responsibility)
  • Organization (restricted to a particular organization)
  • User (restricted to a user)
Creating a Profile Option

Navigation: Application Developer > Profile

Name :- Enter name of the profile option.

Application :- Enter name of the application.

User Profile Name :- Name of the profile option for users.

Description :- Description for Profile Option(Optional)

Hierarchy Type :-  Their are 4 hierarchy types available in Oracle apps which are as follows.

1. Security :- Profile Option is Visible,Updatable at Site,Application,Responsibility and User level.

2. Server    :- Profile Option is Visible,Updatable at Site,Server and User level.

3. Server-Responsibility :- Profile Option is Visible,Updatable at Site,Server+Responsibility and   User level.

4. Organization :- Profile Option is Visible,Updatable at Site,Organization and User level.

Hierarchy Type Access Level :- Hierarchy type levels are used to set the access level of the profile option i.e. at which level you can access this profile option.There are total 7 levels.Hierarchy type access levels depends on your hierarchy type i.e. which hierarchy type you have selected.

Active Dates :- Start( Start date of this profile option this field id mandatory).
                          End(End date of this profile option this field is optional).
User Access :- If  Visible, Updatable check-boxes under this section are Yes, then user can see and also update this profile option.
SQL Validation Can be added to Retrive a List a Values as option for Profiles Created
 Create Lookup for Profile Option Values

Navigation Application Developer--->Application--->Lookups--->Application Object Library
Create a New Lookup With Required Values 

Now Assign this Lookup in SQL Validation Tab of Define Profile Screen.

Now We Can Set Option for this Profile 

Pls Make Note SQL Query Was Copied from a Seeded Profile and Lookup type was Modified as per the Required Values.

Consult Technical Consultants for Forming proper SQL Validations.


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