Friday 21 October 2016

Oracle Landed Cost Management Pre Receiving Application process Flow

1.       Create PO – Ship to Should of LCM Organization.

2.       PO Match option should be Receipt

3.       Approve the PO



4.       Create Shipment



5.       Create Shipment Line

We Can Modify Quantity, UOM, Price Per Unit and Currency. 


6.       Generate Charges

Go to Actions From Shipment and Select Generate Charges. 


Confirmation Will Appear in Screen as “The Generate Charges action has been executed successfully”

Status will still be incomplete.

7.       We can manage the Charges Manually.

Go to Shipment ---> Actions --->Manage Charges


8.       We can manage association of shipment manually. 

Go to Shipment --->Actions --->Manage Associations.


9.  Validate the Shipment

Go to Shipment --->Actions --->Validate


  Now the status would have changed as Validated

10.Calculate Estimated Landed Cost

Go to Shipment ---> Actions--->Calculate


Status will be validated.

At this stage we can see the estimated landed Cost for the shipment

11.Reviewing estimated landed Cost

Go to Shipment ---> Actions--->View Landed Cost


Submit the landed cost for receipt.

Go to Shipment ---> Actions---> Submit








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