Monday 1 September 2014

Return To Vendor With Automatic Debit Memo (India Localization)

This Blog Will Be Setup and Transaction Guide for Return to Vendor With Automatic Debit Memo (India Localization)

Pre Requisites

Create supplier with Additional info.

In Purchasing tab of supplier “Create debit memo on RTS transaction” to be enabled for automatic debit memo creation.

Always provide “Return To” as Supplier in return form even tough routing shows inspection required.

Invoice with taxes should be available for creating debit memo for the same purchase order.

Profile Option

PO:Enable automatic debit memo to be set as yes.


India to insert Taxes in pay on receipt invoice to be run after debit memo creation.

1. Complete receipt , VAT /Excise Claim and Pay on Receipt Invoice Generation With Taxes.
2. If Returns to be Done, Go to I/L→ Receipt→ Return to Vendor New.
3.Provide PO and Release and Find the Returns .
4.Select Return to as “Supplier” and Check Whether “Create Debit Memo” is Enabled.

5. Save the Transaction .This Will Trigger the Concurrents
  I.Receiving Transaction Processor
  II.India - Receiving Transaction Processor for Return To Receiving (India - Receiving Transaction Processor)

6.Again Open the Returns Form and Now Find the Receipt No.

Process Action : Generate and Default the Line and save. A batch No Will be Generated.
A Debit Memo Would Be Created Without Taxes .

Now Run Concurrent : India - To insert taxes for Pay On Receipt.
Taxes Will Be Created in Debit Memo.

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