Thursday 3 April 2014

Oracle R12 Manufacturing Routing

Over View

A routing defines the step-by-step operations you perform to manufacture a product

Each routing can have any number of operations

For each operation, specify a department that determines the resources for that operation.

Primary and Alternate Routings

A primary routing is the list of operations most frequently performed to build a product.

We Can define one primary routing and many alternate routing an item.

 define an alternate routing to describe a different manufacturing process used to produce the same product

specify the item and alternate name to define an alternate routing

Bills and routings can share alternate labels

 If there is no routing with the same alternate label, components are assigned to operations on the primary routing.

Engineering Routings

define an engineering routing as an alternate for a manufacturing routing

This would typically be used to prototype a variation from the primary routing that produces the same assembly.

Both engineering and manufacturing routings share the same resource, department, and standard operation information

Sequence of Operations

Routings define the step-by-step descriptions, or operations, for manufacturing an assembly. Each operation on a routing defines a specific portion of the manufacturing process for the assembly. We can use operations to identify the location, the quantity, and the state of completion of the assemblies you are currently manufacturing.
For each component item on the bill of material associated with a routing, We can specify the operation sequence where you require the item.

Backflushing Transactions

We can specify at what point in the routing you backflush component material
Moves automatically backflush the appropriate components at the time they are needed.
postpone the backflush of material at time-critical operations until a later operation

Minimum Transfer Quantities

set the minimum quantity that you move from an operation when you define a routing.

The Move Transactions window in Oracle Work in Process issues a warning when you move a quantity less than this minimum


You must define at least one department before you can create a routing.
BOM Allowed must be set to Yes for the item you are creating a routing for.

Completion Subinventory and Locator Fields

Define the completion subinventory and locator where you store finished assemblies upon completion.

Count Point and Autocharge Fields

The Count Point and Autocharge check boxes work together

We Cannot set Count Point on and Autocharge off

When We move assemblies from an operation with Count Point on / Autocharge on operation to another count point operation set the same way, Work in Process automatically completes all Count Point off / Autocharge on count point operations between them.

To transact a Count Point off / Autocharge off count point operation, you must explicitly move assemblies into and out of that operation

Moving assemblies past a Count Point off / Autocharge off count point operation acts as though the operation did not exist in the routing
If we issue components with a supply type of Operation pull to an assembly at a Count Point off / Autocharge off count point operation, Work in Process backflushes these components when you move out of the Count Point off / Autocharge off count point operation into a count point operation that allows backflushing.

 Work in Process never pulls components with a supply type of Assembly pull from Count Point off/ Autocharge off count point operations

The Backflush field should always be turned on for the last operation in a routing.

Schedule Field

Yes: Include this resource when scheduling an operation from a job or repetitive schedule and calculating manufacturing lead time for the assembly.

No: Do not include scheduling the operation or calculating the lead time.

Prior: Include this resource when scheduling a job or schedule by backward scheduling the previous operation from the end of this resource. Use this option when setup resources can work in parallel with previous operations. The lead time is calculated the same way Work in Process schedules the job or repetitive schedule.

Next: Include this resource when scheduling a job or repetitive schedule by forward scheduling the next operation from the start of this resource. Use this option when the teardown of the current operation can overlap with the execution of the next operation. The lead time is calculated the same way Work in Process schedules the job or repetitive schedule.

Charge Type Field

Determine how each resource is charged in Work in Process.

Manual: Work in Process does not automatically charge this type of resource to a job or repetitive schedule. We must manually charge it to a job or repetitive schedule using Work in Process

PO Receipt: Automatically charge this resource upon receipt of a purchase order in Oracle Purchasing. The assemblies are not automatically moved to the next operation upon receipt, so you must manually move them using Work in Process.

PO Move: Automatically charge this resource upon receipt of a purchase order in Oracle Purchasing and move the assemblies to the Queue intraoperation step of the next operation, or to the To move intraoperation step if this is the last operation.

WIP Move: Work in Process automatically charges this type of resource to a job or repetitive schedule when you complete an operation.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Oracle R12 Sales Orders


The Sales Orders window offers a convenient and quick entry point for creating and editing order information as well as viewing summary information from other subsystems such as Shipping, Receivables, and Purchasing, as well as the status of orders.

Oracle Order Management designed a mechanism called the Process Order API that performs a consistent validation of data manipulation (i.e. changes, deletions etc.) on the Sales Order attributes. This provides a consistent, secure, and valid means for managing sales orders.

Required Setup

Order Header/Line Workflow Processes

Order Management comes with seeded Workflow processes.

Transaction Types

Both order and line transaction types need to be setup in order for an order to process from entry to invoicing

When setting up order types, assign order header and line workflows to the order type

Since each line can go through its own flow process, each line needs to have its own workflow process.

Line level workflow processes are assigned based on the order type, line type, and item type combination

Document Sequence

The document sequence functionality is for numbering orders

Same sequence can then be assigned to all order type

Processing Constraints

Order Management ships with seeded constraints that prevent data integrity problems

Scheduling Activity

The Schedule function can be performed anywhere in a process flow according to business needs

The profile option OM: Autoschedule should be set to Yes.

 Or the user can schedule manually directly from the sales orders window

Master Items

A standard, finished good item should be defined in the Inventory module, with attributes set appropriately

The key attributes that control the processing of a finished good item are on the Order Management tab in the Master Item setup window. The flag Shippable and Transactable should be selected

Item Quantity On-Hand

In order to ship an item, there must be sufficient quantity available

Price List Setup

To price the new item when entering the ordered item on the order, the user should add the new item to a price list. The item is added to a price list via the Price List Setup window: Pricing > Lists > Price Lists Setup

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Oracle R12 Order Management Back to Back Order

Back to Back Order

Item Should Be (Item Attributes)
1.BOM Allowed
4.Default Buyer
6.List Price

Create SO:

Book the Order

Status Will be Supply Eligible

Right Click and Select Progress Order

Status Will Become

External Req Requested

Go to Requests:Requisition Import

Provide Parametres

Import source :Configure To Order
Group By:All

Submit to Run Concurrent.
1.Requisition Import
2.Create Releases

Go to Requisition Summary

Auto Create Purchase Requisition to Purchase Order.

Sale Order Status Will Be External Req Open

Approve the PO:

Sale Order Status Will be PO Open

Do Receipt the Material

ON Hand Availability Is Increased

Status of the Sale order is Automatically changed as Awaiting Shipping

Shipping :

Go to Release Order for Picking >

Click On Concurrent

Pick Selection List Generation –Concurrent will be Running

Go to Shipping Transactions:
Find the Shipping Transaction for Sale Order.

Line Status Will Be :
Released to Warehouse

Next Step Will be
Transact Move Order

Now Transact Move Order (Generally a Stores or a Yard Guy in Inventory )

Transaction Type :Sale Order Pick
Line Status:Pre Approved

When Lot Enabled First Allocate only Gets Enabled

Again Go to Shipping Transactions

Now the Line Status is Staged/Pick Confirmed

Next Step is Ship Confirm/Close Trip Stop

Go to Delivery Tab

Click on Ship Confirm

Provide Shipping Method and Rule .

Now the Delivery Status Will be Close

Run Concurrent Work Flow Back Ground Process

Then Go to Accounts Receivable Responsibility to Create a AR Invoice

Run Concurrent Autoinvoice Master Program

Parametres to be Given

Invoice Source --- Given in Order Type Finance Tab (Created by AR Team in AR Responsibility )

Another Concurrent Will be Triggered Automatically by Auto invoice Master Program Called
Auto invoice Import Program

Oracle R12 Order Management Shipment Line Status

Shipment Status
SO StatusShip Line StatusNext Step
Awaiting ShippingReady to releasePick Release
Awaiting ShippingReleased to WarehouseTransact Moveorder
PickedStaged/Pick confirmedShip Confirm/Close Trip Stop
ShippedClosed or Confirmed
SO StatusShip Line StatusNext Step
Awaiting ShippingReady to releasePick Release
Awaiting ShippingReleased to WarehouseTransact Moveorder
Awaiting ShippingBackorderedPick Release
Awaiting ShippingReleased to WarehouseTransact Moveorder
PickedStaged/Pick confirmedShip Confirm/Close Trip Stop
ShippedClosed or Confirmed
B2B Order
SO Line StatusPO StatusNext Step
EnteredNullBook the Order
Supply EligibleNullProgress Order
External Req RequestedNullRun: Requisition Import, Auto Create PO
External Req OpenIncompleteApprove the PO
PO OpenApprovedTake Receipt
Shipping Line Status
Awaiting ShippingReady to releasePick Release
Awaiting ShippingReleased to WarehouseTransact Moveorder
PickedStaged/Pick confirmedShip Confirm/Close Trip Stop
ShippedClosed or Confirmed
Drop Shipment
SO Line StatusPO StatusNext Step
EnteredNullBook the Order
BookedNullPurchase Release
BookedNullWorkflow Background
BookedNullRequistion Import
Awaiting ReceiptApproved PRAutocreate PO
Awaiting ReceiptIncomplete POApprove PO
Awaiting ReceiptApprovedTake Receipts