Monday 31 October 2016

Oracle Order Management - Order Date Type in Sales Order

What is order Date Type?
Order Date Type is Considered While Scheduling for Calculating the Requested Date as Ship From Warehouse or Arrive at Customer Location.   
What are the Available order Date Types in Order Management?
How Does order Date Type Impact the  Schedule Ship or Arrival Date?

  If the Order Date Type is Ship, the Requested Date is Defaulted as Schedule Ship date and Arrival Date is Calculated (Ship date + In transit Time) Based on Inter location Transit Time and Other related Setups such as Shipping, Carrier and Customer Calendars

If the Order Date Type is Arrival, the Requested Date is Defaulted as Schedule Arrival date and Ship Date is Calculated (Arrival Date -Transit days) Based on Inter location Transit Time and Other related Setups such as Shipping, Carrier and Customer Calendars.
What are Constraints While Update Schedule Ship Date or Schedule Arrival Date in Sale Order?
When the Order Date Type  is "Arrival",  Scheduled Ship Date Cannot be Updated Manually.

When the Order Date Type is "Ship" or "NULL" ,  Scheduled Arrival Date  Cannot be Updated Manually.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Requirement Scoring in oracle Sourcing

Requirement scores

 Sections and Requirements are added to evaluate supplier response.  These Response can be evaluated by assigning score for each response.  

   This Setup in Negotiation Configuration will help to define a default maximum score value and whether to display the scoring criteria to suppliers .

Tuesday 25 October 2016

How to Enable Award Approval in Oracle Sourcing

Award decisions approval before a purchase order can be generated

By Enabling the Profile option PON: Enable Sourcing Award Approval to Yes, we can set the default the configuration for award decision approval before PO Generation.

 On the Negotiation Configuration page, select whether award approval is required.
Buyer can Override this setting by clicking "Allow negotiation creators to override indicator."  


The Hierarchy for Approval, if Enabled and Required will be taken from Document's Buyer Security .


Cost Factor and price Break in Oracle Sourcing

There are two types of cost factors.

1.Supplier cost factors identify additional costs (beyond just price) that the buyer must pay a supplier to acquire an item or service.

 A new Specialized Equipment or Machine bought might include a cost of Training.

Buyers define supplier cost factors and suppliers respond with the amount they will charge.

2.Buyer cost factors reflect additional costs involved when dealing with a particular supplier.

This Could be Transporation Cost Due to Supplier geographical Location

Buyers define buyer cost factors and specify the amount for each. Suppliers do not respond to buyer cost factors.

We can Define a Default Cost Factor for Negotiation Documents. Buyers can override this value when creating a negotiation.

Options are 1.Buyer 2.Supplier 3. Buyer & Supplier 4. None.


Price Breaks      

Price Breaks can be Specified when creation Negotiation for Blanket and/or Contract Purchase Agreement.

Buyers can Require and Allow Supplier to respond with Price Break quantity and values.

Options are 

1.None - no price breaks are defined.
2.Required - suppliers must respond to the price breaks and cannot modify them.
3.Optional - supplier must respond to the price breaks but can also modify the buyer's price break values.

Always a Buyer can override the default Price Break type at Document level.


Monday 24 October 2016

What is Negotiation Configuration in Oracle Sourcing

Using the Negotiations Configuration page administrator can  set and maintain  aspects of  Oracle Sourcing system.

1.Select the default ranking display.
2.Specify visibility in blind auctions or RFQs.
3.Identify allowable cost factor types.
4.Specify default price break types. 
5.Allowing award approval to be required.
6.Define header scoring defaults.  
7.Define the default line attribute group. 
8.Define the default UOM for amount-based line types. 
9.Enforce response levels in multi-round negotiations. 
10.List URLs for supplier discovery.
11.Specify the supplier online window value. 
12.Specify concurrent processing values. 
13.Specify defaulting values for alternate lines. 

Navigation for Negotiation Configuration

Sourcing Super User --->Negotiation Home Page --->Administration --->Negotiation Configuration 

Default ranking display 

The system can rank responses of suppliers participating in an auction or RFQ. Choose Which type of Indicator to be Displayed and Whether the Ranking information should be Visible in Blind  RFQ's and auction's.

Optionally Enable the "Allow negotiation creators to override default setting" to let the negotiation creators to be able to override ranking indicator when creating a negotiation.