Wednesday 26 November 2014

Order Management User Defined Attributes

Oracle Order Management enables to record additional information at order and line levels using user defined attributes.

 These attributes are aggregated in user-defined attribute groups

We must associate attribute groups with a particular business classification, which in the case of Order Management is the predefined classification, ADMIN_DEFINED.

An attribute group can have a maximum of 40 character fields, 20 number fields, and 10 date fields.

However, We can associate as many attribute groups as we want to an UDA page which makes the number of additional attributes to an order or line unlimited.

For each user-defined attribute, we can optionally specify a value set,with data type and validation rules to be applied when the user inputs data

Multi-row attribute groups enable association of multiple sets of attribute values with the same attribute group

single-row attribute groups allow a single attribute value for the attribute group

We can create attribute pages to capture details of each attribute group

The attribute pages enable Us to view or edit data of attribute groups for a selected object instance based on access permissions.

To create an attribute group and add attributes

Navigation  Setup > Orders > User Defined Attributes

Choose Entity

Click Create

Create a Attribute Group

Here We Define Name , Single Row or Multiple Row Details.

Then Click Apply and Add Attributes .

Add Attribute Name , Value Set , Default Value and Click Apply.

To associate attribute group with a classification

Click On the Association Tab

Click Add Attribute Groups in the Associations page

Clicking Apply adds the attribute groups to the predefined classification, ADMIN_DEFINED.  

To create UDA pages

In the OM UDA Page Setup page under the Page tab.

Click Create Page

Add Attribute Group to Page .

In Sales Order Header , Actions , Select User Defined Attributes

OAF Page Will open.

We Can Add the Values to Attributes .

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Implementation Option and Overview Space Management

 Space Assignment

Oracle Property Manager has two system options that affect space assignment functionality:

Automatic Space Distribution
Use SYSDATE to Record each Space Assignment
Use the Space Assignment window to assign, modify, search, and view space assignments

We can assign locations to employees and cost centers

We can query all space assignments for a particular building, floor, office, land, parcel, or section. 

customer space assignment Can be created only thro Lease

 A location is automatically assigned to a customer when you add a location, with a customer, to a revenue lease.

As of Date
When creating a new assignment, the As of Date is the default From date.

Ability to modify space assignments based on an As of Date depends on how the Use SYSDATE to Record Space Assignment system option is set.

If you enter a date, all space assignments active as of the date you entered are displayed.
Oracle Property Manager also keeps track of additional office space information, including:
  • The space available (vacant space) in a building, floor, office, land, parcel, or section on a particular date.
  • The space at any location that is rentable.
  • The space at any location that is usable.
  • The space at any location that is assignable.
  • The occupancy level at the building, floor, or office level, and the land, parcel, or section level.

Sunday 23 November 2014

Define Office -Oracle Property Management

Defining Offices

You need to define individual offices so you can

1.Keep track of information about the office

2.Associate the office with a specific lease in the Leases window

3.Assign employees and customers to specific offices, using the Space Assignment window

If you select the Common Flag check box, the Assignable field is disabled .
Bookable locations are usually locations such as conference rooms that users can book for meetings and other events

 As we enter information in the Area tabbed region of the Office window, Property Manager summarizes the amount of vacant office space on each floor and in each building, and displays the total in the Vacant fields in the Floor and Building window .

when you assign office space in the Employee Space Assignment window, the amount of vacant space displayed in the Building and Office windows decreases as you assign office space to employees .


Property Manager → Building → Floors → Office

Friday 21 November 2014

Define Floors - Oracle Property Management

Defining Floors

Enter the name of each floor you are defining

Create an alias for the floor

Specify the Occupancy Status of the floor and whether it is assignable to employees, cost centers, or customers

All locations, including floors and offices inherit Occupancy Status and assignability from their parent location

A floor that is part of an unassignable building cannot be assignable. Similarly, offices that are part of unassignable floors cannot be assignable.
When you change a parent location from unassignable to assignable, the system cascades the changes to the child locations without performing assignment checks.
In the Usage region, optionally enter the space type, function type, and standard type .


Property Manager → Building → Floors

Define Buildings -Oracle Property Management

Defining Buildings


Property manager → Property Definition → Building

If you navigate to the Buildings window by choosing New Building on the Properties window, Oracle Property Manager sets the Operating Unit, Property Name, Tenure, and Country fields automatically. All these fields, except Tenure, are read-only.

Enter Unique Name and Code for Building

Create an alias for the building .
The building alias that you create will become the first element of thelocation code
If you set up floors and offices, their aliases will become the second and third elements of the location code.

The following tables show how you can use a combination of abbreviations, and floor and office numbers to create your aliases

Name Alias Location Code
Building CHN IT PARK I Building I Building I
Floor 1st Floor 1 Building I-1
office CHN Techno Soft CTS Building I-1-CTS

In the Area Tabbed Region Enter UOM and Gross Measurement of the Building

In the Occupancy tabbed region

Status: Specify whether the building is classified as occupiable for reporting purposes

Disposition: Specify why the building is non-occupiable
Accounting Treatment: Specify the financial status of the building.

The Employee Assignable, Cost Center Assignable, and Customer Assignable fields control whether you can make assignments to the location.

In the Features tabbed region, enter the type, description, and condition of each building feature.

    • Type: This is a description of how the building will be used, for example, Retail Shop.
    • Description: Enter a description of the building, for example, the name of the restaurant.
    • Condition: Enter the condition of the building, for example, Excellent, Fair, or Poor.

In the Contacts tabbed region, enter the type (role), company name, and site of each contact.
    • Type: Enter the role of the contact, for example, facilities manager or landlord.
    • Company Name: Enter the name of the contact's company.
    • Company Site: Enter the location of the contact's place of business.

Friday 14 November 2014

Creating Property -Oracle Property Management

Define Property

Navigation : Property Manager → Property Definition → Property

Select the operating unit for which you want to create the property. Once you save the property, you cannot change the operating unit.

Enter the Property Name and Property Code.

Indicate whether the tenure of the building is leased, owned, managed, or mixed .

Enter the country where the building is located.

Countries and Territories Property Management

Countries and Territories

Use the Countries and Territories window to maintain Value-Added Tax (VAT) Member State Codes, and to select an address style for a particular country or territory .

The VAT Member State Code identifies a country or territory as belonging to the European Union (EU) .

Special Value-Added Tax rules apply to member states of the EU.

Address styles specify how Oracle Property Manager should format the address fields so that they best suit the address entry requirements of a particular country .


Property Manager → Setup → International → Countries

Query the Country

Modify any of the following fields:

Country/Territory: The name of the country or territory
Description: The description of the country or territory
VAT Member State Code:The member state code for a country belonging to the European Union (EU)
Address Style: The address style to be used with the particular country

System Options - Oracle Property Management

Property Manager System Options

Define system options to customize the Oracle Property Manager environment for each operating unit

 System options determine ledger and currency conversion type

System options also control how Oracle Property Manager displays location aliases, sends information to Oracle Payables, and Oracle Receivables, and governs creation of leases and space assignments.

Accounting Option

The Accounting Option system option indicates how your users must specify General Ledger accounts on the Details tabbed region of the Lease window or the Accounts Distribution tab of the Term Details window

Allow Tenancy Overlap Within Lease

can set the Allow Tenancy Overlap Within Lease system option to Yes if you want to allow users to assign a location to two tenants on the same lease .

Automatic Number Generation

Oracle Property Manager Canassign unique values for any of the following automatically if Set Yes:

Company Number
Recovery Agreement Number
Recovery Area Class Number
Recovery Expense
Rent Increase Number
Lease Number
Variable Rent Number

Automatic Space Distribution

Oracle Property Manager Can automatically distribute space equally to all the occupants of a particular location .

If you set this system option to No, users will have to enter a space allocation percentage manually each time they assign space.

Calculate Annualized Basis for Index Rent

Terms Active on the Basis Period End Date: The system calculates the annualized basis using only those terms that exist at the end of the basis period.

Terms Active in the Basis Period: The system calculates the annualized basis using the terms that were active during the basis period.

Consolidated Recovery Terms

Oracle Property Manager to create one consolidated recovery term with a single total .

If you set the system option to No, a term detail line is created for each recovery line type and purpose

Currency Conversion Type

 If you do not specify a rate type, Oracle Property Manager uses the rate type that is associated with the functional currency for your ledger and enabled in the Reporting Currencies window.

Default Landlord/Tenant View

Yes: The lease area values are set to the associated location’s rentable, usable, and assignable area by default.

No: The lease area values are blank.

Regardless of how you set the Default Location Area for Leases system option, users can overwrite the lease area values.

Include Terms as Rent Increase Basis by Default

Yes: This is the default value  Oracle Property Manager automatically includes qualifying terms in the basis of all rent increase agreements associated with a lease.

No:manually include terms from those displayed in the Basis Terms window.

Invoice Grouping Name
specify the default invoice grouping rule to be used with payment transactions.

There are several levels at which Wecan specify the name of the grouping rule.
The system option level is the highest level

The rules and options are considered in the following order
1.Payment item grouping rule
2.Payment term grouping rule
3.Lease grouping rule
4.System option grouping rule


 select the ledger that you want to use with the operating unit in Oracle Property Manager .
The ledger determines the currency, accounting calendar, and chart of accounts .

Legacy Cutoff Date

You can use the Legacy Cutoff Date system option to specify a cutoff date for specific rent increase periods.

Location Code Separator

Define a separator for location code aliases .The value entered in the Location Code Separator field becomes the separator between all location code aliases entered.

Multiple Tenancy Lease

Allowsusers to associate multiple leases to the same location for the same or overlapping tenancy periods.

Recalculate Index Rent on Account Change

Yes:Oracle Property Manager automatically recalculates the index rent amounts for the associated rent increase terms.

No:Rent increase term recalculation is disabled .

Smallest Term Amount
The Smallest Term Amount system option determines the smallest amount for which Oracle Property Manager creates rent increase terms

Use SYSDATE to Record each Space Assignment

Allow users to change space assignments only as of the system date . Set to NO incase the Space Assignment to be Done In Other Than Sysdate.


Property Manager → Setup → Options → System Options

Click On Create System Options

System Options Set For an OU as Below

Define Contact - Property Management

Define Contacts


Property Manager → Agents → Contacts

Contacts are companies or other business entities that perform certain functions, called roles, for the property or lease you manage.

Example , Land lord , Insurance companies,Maintenance,Security,Subtenants.

A single contact company can have more than one role in relation to a particular property or lease.

A contact's site is the location or place of business from which the contact performs a specific role.

Create Parent Records (Operating Unit - Company Details)

Create Roles and Sites for the Company (Parent Record ).

Click New .

Defining Office Parks and Region -Property Management

Defining an Office Park or a Region


Property Manager → Property Definition → Regions


Regions are Grouping of Locations 

Office Parks 

Office Parks are Large Group of Building in Which the Property is Situated.


1.A company that leases space in New York, Los Angeles, London, and Paris might want to group its New York and Los Angeles properties together into the North American region, and its London and Paris properties into the European region  

2.If you include the name of a region or an office park in your building definition, you will be able to use that name as a search criterion.

Use the Properties windows to associate specific properties with specific office parks and regions.

The buildings or office space within these properties are automatically associated with the office park or region .

Office Parks and Regions are Defined at Property Level.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Oracle Process Manufacturing Responsibilities and Menus

Responsibility Application Menu Data group Request Group
Product Development Security Manager Product Development Security Manager Product Development Security Manager Standard OPM GMD Request Group
OPM Setup Process Manufacturing Systems OPM_SETUP Standard OPM Setup
Formulator Process Manufacturing Product Development GMD_FORMULAS Standard OPM GMD Request Group
Process Engineer Process Manufacturing Product Development GMD_RECIPES Standard OPM GMD Request Group
Quality Manager Process Manufacturing Product Development GMD QM Quality Manager Menu Standard OPM GMD Request Group
OPM Material Planner Process Manufacturing Process Planning OPM Material Planner Standard OPM GMP Request Group
OPM Process Planning Process Manufacturing Process Planning Application Navigator Menu Process Planning Standard OPM GMP Request Group
OPM Supply Chain Planner Process Manufacturing Process Planning OPM Advanced Supply Chain Planning Standard OPM GMP Request Group
Production Supervisor Process Manufacturing Process Execution Production Supervisor Standard OPM GME Requests
Production Operator Process Manufacturing Process Execution Production Operator Standard OPM GME New Request Group
OPM Process Execution Process Manufacturing Process Execution Application Navigator Menu Process Execution Standard OPM GME Request Group
OPM Logistics Process Manufacturing Logistics Application Navigator Menu Logistics Standard OPM GML Request Group